Thursday, 9 April 2020


Life is full of different seasons. There are some which we spend time preparing for like moving house, starting a new job, having a baby or planning for an upcoming celebration. 

There are others, however, which are sprung upon us; all it can take is one phonecall, one moment, and everything feels like it has changed forever.

As we think about the last evening Jesus had with the disciples, he too had been preparing for what was to come for months and years. His eyes were fixed on what was going to happen and - in light of that - he spent his time in quiet with his Father, discipling his followers and showing a deep love and grace to those who had never experienced that before. He was preparing.

In sharp contrast to this is what the disciples must have experienced that night and the following days. They must have been shocked and frightened. They must have felt confused and so massively unprepared for all that was happening.

Maybe we can relate to how the disciples felt... 

A few weeks ago we heard about a virus on the other side of the world; affecting people we didn't know and in places we'd never been to. But then all of a sudden it was here and our lives and freedoms were changing in extraordinary ways and at a speed which made it tricky to prepare for fully. In some ways, there was never going to be enough preparation for some of us because how can you know how it will feel, what you'll be like and what you will need until you've been 'in it'.

Despite how the disciples must have felt, I am reminded that actually Jesus had been preparing them all along (they just didn't know it). Part of that preparation was building a community. They were friends and siblings in Christ; each bringing their own skills, gifts and personality. They were in it together.

And as we perhaps feel under prepared, I am reminded that God has been at work building our Thrive community over the past years. God has been preparing us. 

He's brought a richness of individuals together, as Paul would want, like a body. We are forming friendships, encouraging one another in our walk with God and growing in who we are. We've had opportunities to share our lives with one another.

And we, as a team, feel that despite our physical separation, God can continue to work in us and through us and we can build on what we have started to create together to help us thrive where we are. This is a thriving rooted in Isaiah 61:3 that brings us hope and brings God all the glory

Even though this is a unexpected new normal, we believe God is an expert at bringing beauty from ashes.

So come...just as you are... whether with tears streaming down your face or arms lifted high...or some days both...let's walk this next part of the journey together. 

           Thrive team x

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