Sunday, 26 April 2020

Write it down

Just a top tip today...

As we've seen this week from our lovely HA women, the bible, worship music, prayer and friends are all ways God can be speaking to us. Although these things can seem so clear when they happen, it often surprises me how quickly I forget what God has been saying. I let His words fade away just like the thing I'd been worrying about.

When you do find God is encouraging you - and this can be in lots of different ways - record it. It becomes your own store of encouragement; remembering where God has been at work and that you are highly valued by Him.

I normally write things down to help me remember them but a few years ago I took a photo instead...

It was a time when I was completely overtaken by fear in a way I'd never experienced before. It affected my eating, my sleeping, my working - everything. Then one day doves came and nested outside my office window. They would fly above the road as I drove to work and be outside my office windows all day long. I had never (and haven't since) seen doves in so many places. I was literally surrounded. It reminded me that God's Spirit would never leave me or forsake me (despite how I felt). I took a photo and to be honest it's not at all artistic but... it's my precious reminder of God's love for me - all the time.

Let God encourage you and when he does, treasure it.

By Jo P

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